Why We Love the Excellence Resort Brand

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 2 weeks since I returned from my latest trip to Mexico.  Even after 8 trips there, it is still my favorite place to travel.  I get lots of questions about travel and our love for the Excellence brand of resorts.  Here are my top 3 reasons why I will always be an Excellence customer!

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My 2023 Word of the Year

By now you’ve probably seen or heard of folks choosing a “Word of the Year”.  I started using this concept at the recommendation of a friend back in 2018.  I had found myself making resolutions, not sticking to them, and feeling defeated and back to square one usually by mid-January.  Sound familiar? This Word of the Year concept resonated with me because I could choose a way to be or live during the year while not feeling like I had to give up because I got a little off course.  So for 2023, I have chosen the word CONSISTENCY.

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Summer Bag Round Up

Summer days are here! Ok well almost! So it’s time to get those pool, beach, boat or even vacation bags prepped. Confession…I have a slight bag addiction but there are a few that I keep coming back to year after year.

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