Simplicity Still: Revisiting my Word of the Year

Remember way back in January when I told you this year instead of a resolution I was choosing a word to live by?  Yeah, I know it seems like forever ago. I challenged you to pick a word too. Did you? Do you remember it? Did you stick to it? I chose “Simplicity” as my Word of the Year for 2019 and at times life has been nothing close to that.

I vowed to…

  • Get up 1 hour earlier with NO cell phone

  • Take a lunch break daily

  • Family dinner twice a week at the table with no devices or TV

  • Once a month family outing

  • No devices after 6 pm.  PERIOD. 

Basically, I made a vow to slow down and enjoy life just a little bit more.  I have tried to implement simplicity in every facet of my daily walk. These changes haven’t come easily. In fact, most have been a struggle because we get caught up in the hustle and bustle and forget. Now that the puppy has come into our lives, the getting up earlier is actually easier because Bella has her own schedule and it doesn’t include sleeping past 7am. A lunch break during the day is hit or miss depending upon how my calendar looks but I still see it as important.  Finally, a once a month family outing is some of our favorite time together. The fact that Disney has tons of classic remakes out has definitely helped us on this one.

So about those family dinners twice a week at the table...well it’s been hit or miss.  Aubrey has become more involved in evening activities, so dinner is often on the road. However, we do manage to try and have at least one night during the weekend that we take advantage of our kitchen table together. Without a doubt, the hardest vow of all has been not using any devices after 6 pm. I have failed and failed miserably. But I also allow myself grace and know that although I may have my phone after 6 pm, it’s usually because during the day I took time away and with my loved ones doing something to make memories.  That being the case, I would say it’s okay.

Above all, I’ve found that taking a step back and reevaluating what’s most important keeps me in check. Not to mention my body has a way of telling me, “Holly...this isn’t the simplified way.” So I’ve learned to stop, put the work down, and relax.  Whether that’s spending time with family during our outings or the quiet time alone in the morning, I’m seeing the value of both more and more.   

As we move into the second half of 2019 you probably think that it’s way too late to live by your word but it’s not.  Now is a great time to start because we know how crazy it gets with back to school time, the holidays and the end of another year.   You may be pleasantly surprised at how the next 6 months go for you when you commit to a change.  

Join me Thursday for more chatting on this topic and how you can see amazing results before we ring in 2020.

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