The Value of Strong Support Systems

Even the strongest of us need support.  

Maybe not every day, but at various times in our lives, things happen where we rely on the strength of others to help us.  I’m no different. There are times and things I have stayed private about but I also know that my trials could benefit others.

Do you ever think back to all the folks you dated along the way (no offense to any who are reading this) and think, “Wow!  I’m glad that didn’t work out.” I know I have found myself with those very thoughts, particularly when Richard and I decided it was time to start our family.  What I thought would be an easy, normal process turned out to be anything but that. A miscarriage, endless fertility tests, doctors visits, shots, two IVF procedures and a high-risk pregnancy; not exactly your fairytale of becoming a mother.  However, through it all, my husband was my constant. He was strong when I couldn’t be. He was positive when I couldn’t see the light. He loved me when I felt unlovable. I know without a doubt I was meant to experience that with him. Since starting my network marketing career, he has supported me unconditionally.  Now, this hasn’t always been without some disagreement but having his encouragement has given me the confidence to chase my dreams.

About 20 years ago, I would have thought you were crazy if you had told me that my mother would be my best friend.  Of course, as a teenager, I couldn’t see past her rules. However, as a mother myself now, I totally get it. A day doesn’t go by where we don’t chat on the phone.  She too was a constant source of strength as I tried to become a mother myself, and I still remember the pain in her voice when she couldn’t just “fix it” for me. Since Aubrey’s birth, she has been such a huge support for me raising my own child with advice, babysitting, a listening ear and everything in between.  Considering my husband’s crazy schedule at times, I literally could not have done any of this on my own.

At 8 weeks old, when I returned from maternity leave to the classroom, my parents were also my daycare.  This was the biggest blessing to my sanity and my pocketbook (LOL). Knowing Aubrey was loved and cared for just as I would have done allowed me to be the best teacher to my students during the school day.  My parents always went above and beyond to do activities with her and give her priceless memories. The childcare they provided allowed me to work my makeup business after school hours so that I could become the work at home mommy I wanted to be.  

From my own childhood to adulthood, I really can’t say thank you enough to my momma and daddy for all that they have done.

I’ve always been a social person, but my true “friendships” have remained small.  My personality tends to lead me towards developing close relationships with very few but those bonds are tight and long-lived.  I won’t name them here, but my girls know who they are. No matter where I’ve gone or what I’ve done in life, they’ve always been there to cheer me on, give advice and be a shoulder to cry on when things went awry.  Life may have taken us miles apart, but true friendship knows no distance.

While I consider my friendships small, I have been blessed with tons of supporters during my life.  I’ve seen this grow exponentially over the last three years in network marketing. This doesn’t mean that each person purchases from me; it simply means they support what I love and my family with a kind word, a like or a comment.  

Of course, my faith and my personal relationship with God has been a huge part of my life as well.  Although I may not be in church as regularly as I once was, I know where my blessings have come from.  I know who has been there for me during the happy and the difficult times, when human comfort couldn’t help.  

Whether it’s human systems or a heavenly one, we all need someone.  Life is a journey meant to be shared with others. I pray that along your walk, you find the comfort, strength and love you need to be the best version of yourself.

With love,
