The Best Back To School Deals on School Supplies - Get Them While You Can

It’s that dreaded time...back to school shopping.

Now before you get in a tizzy because your child’s teacher has asked for specific items, please know it’s not to send you on a crazy witch hunt. There really is a method to their madness. I spent many years in the classroom so I know the importance of good supplies and how far they can go, so here are a few deals I found to help ease the pain of the long list!


-Ticonderaga Pencils at Walgreen’s for 99 cent with card
 Coming from a former teacher they are the best ones ever made!! Grab at least 3 packs; one for now, 1 for the teacher and 1 for your kid’s Christmas stocking. You would be surprised how scarce pencils get by mid year.


-Wescot Kid Scissors at Dollar General 2 for $1
  Yes, you need them. Like many other items, the school just can’t provide them and the ones they do have are as old as I am. A bonus, purchase on a Saturday and get $5 off $25 of you have a valid coupon from a past receipt.

-Pocket Folders with Prongs 15 cent each at Walmart
 You probably search high and low for these in certain colors every year. Your teacher friends are sorry, but you know organization is the name of the game.


-Purell Hand Sanitizer at Target 99 cent
 It’s on sale this week for $2.49. Get yourself a Cartwheel for it at 20% off and print the manufacturer's coupon before you go. Bye bye germs!!


-8 count Expo Markers in Amazon $6
 Do yourself a favor, and your kid’s teacher, and get the name brand for this one. They last longer and work better. Trust me when I say an extra pack of these on a the teacher’s desk is better than an apple any day!

*All prices are subject to change at any time. Offers are valid for the week of August 6-12.

My best advice, shop early and stock up. If you have found a good deal, please share, we are all in this crazy hunt together.

Happy shopping mamas!

With Love,
